There is no impossible just highly improbable or better yet... Dude! Wheres my flying car?

by Juan C. Pena on Monday, April 11, 2011 at 4:06pm A long time ago I herd a speech that stated that there's nothing impossible just highly improbable. I pondered the meaning of those words in my own field (Art - Education - Computers) One day I found myself watching a cartoon episode of the Jetsons and had the speech still lingering in my head. Shortly after while driving on a ridiculous traffic jam I said to myself... Dude!!! Where's my flying car!!! It became painfully evident that this is 11 years past the year 2000 (which many movies and series depicted as this ultra advanced future) and still no publicly available flying cars. Do we lack the technology for it? ... hmm... possibly... I'm certain we do have enough tech for at least some form of flying car or at least a fully electric one... oh wait there's the Tesla(which is awesome but still pricey) never mind that one. Who cares right we want flying cars... however what does a fly...