New webpage for SBD
I recently switched working places and re-joined a company I've known for over 10 years. I've been harrasing them to make a new webpage since their old one was quite outdated. After joining them again and a few projects we finally had some time to work on the page design. Here's a sample image of the change. On the left you can see the previous incarnation of the page. An outdated design with hard to update methods and rough graphics. The new one is using wordpress as a CMS and has a very flexible base template we purchased called Affinity. Of course being who and how I am I couldn't just leave the default styles alone so I messed with the whole colors, the backgrounds, generated tons of images and added a little more pizzazz with the help of animate.css so that the page content is not static and boring but responsive and dynamic. I will be tweaking the thing a lot more in the next few days by adding a map to the contact area and probably a form for contacting us instea...